grow beyond

Driving and defining change
with expertise, compassion
and persistence.
Career Opportunities
CBR offers you the opportunity
to join an unrivalled team of experts, driving and defining change with compassion and persistence.
Our Guiding Principles
Grounded by
Strong Ethics
Our motivation stems from a genuine concern and care for the planet and humanity – we are here, and know we have the knowledge, ability and drive, to make a difference.
Liberated to Challenge
and Excel
Our approach and mindset encourages people to break free from limitations, push boundaries and explore new possibilities – contributing to innovation and sustained progress.
Built on and Bound
by Credibility
Our collective wealth of experience breeds
trust and reliability, serving as the cornerstone
for the relationships we cultivate and the
quality of our work.
Committed to Inclusivity and Empowerment
Our drive and success comes from a place of empowerment and accountability – ensuring everyone has a voice, the autonomy and the resources needed to thrive.
Technical and
Intellectual Mastery
Our role is not to simply advise, but to roll our sleeves up and work diligently together – possessing and sharing the knowledge, expertise and dedication to find a better way.
Our job is never done, but we’ll give absolute focus to the task at hand. Tireless explorers and authentic partners who will leave no stone unturned in our quest for a sustainable future.
Our Vacancies
Senior Project Manager – ClimateTech
Hamburg / Mannheim, Germany
- Advertised:
- 7th October 2024
- Closing date:
- 18th November 2024
- Location:
- Hamburg / Mannheim, Germany
- Job specialism:
- ClimateTech & Sustainability
- Type of employment:
- Full-time / Permanent
Are you passionate about driving innovation and sustainability in a technology-driven environment? CBR Sustainability Partners is seeking talented and experienced Project Managers to join our dynamic team. We work at the forefront of sustainable technology by holistically supporting our clients in groundbreaking projects that shape the future of renewable energy, green chemicals, and climate-friendly fuels.
Your Responsibilities:
- Lead and manage innovative sustainability consulting projects focused on cutting-edge technologies such as Biomass-to-X, Power-to-X, green hydrogen, biogas, and renewable fuels and chemicals.
- Participate in and manage different phases of projects in accordance with the client’s needs, from scoping and planning to execution and delivery, ensuring successful outcomes for high-impact sustainability projects.
- Manage project timelines, budgets, and resources effectively to meet project objectives while maintaining high standards of quality and performance.
- Oversee and coordinate multidisciplinary teams and serve as the primary point of contact for clients, ensuring clear and continuous communication to align on project goals and expectations.
- Include latest state of knowledge on technologies, regulation, and markets for project execution, optionally by involving experienced CBR colleagues, and contribute to continuously advancing CBR’s overall knowledge basis.
- Conduct technology assessments, feasibility studies, and techno-economic analyses to ensure technical and economic viability of proposed solutions.
- Provide strategic guidance and insights to clients and internal stakeholders, helping them navigate the rapidly changing landscape of sustainability and technology.
- Develop project proposals, identify business opportunities, and actively contribute to client acquisition efforts, expanding CBR’s client and project portfolio.
Your Profile:
- Proven professional experience as project manager in a technology-oriented corporate environment or consultancy (preferably 5 years at least). Project management qualification such as PMI or Agile Methods are a plus.
- Master’s degree or PhD in Engineering, Chemistry, Business Administration, Project Management or equivalent.
- Expertise in the areas of Biomass-to-X, Power-to-X, renewable fuels, (green) hydrogen, green chemicals, biogas, etc.
- Erfahrung in der Durchführung von Technologie-Bewertungen, Machbarkeitsstudien und techno-ökonomischen Analysen ist ein Plus.
- Strong analytical and conceptual skills as well as excellent communication skills.
- High willingness to develop continuously knowledge on technologies, markets and key regulation for renewable transport fuels and chemicals projects.
- Distinct ability to work and decide independently.
- Fluency in German and English, both written and spoken.
Why CBR Sustainability Partners?
Personal Development Opportunities:
- Work on challenging consulting projects with leading global organizations and international exposure, from large corporations, medium-size companies to novel technology and project developers.
- Enjoy a high degree of responsibility and autonomy in project management and customer acquisition.
- Engage in a unique mix of start-up culture and corporate consultancy, offering medium-term growth to interim manager roles.
- Shape your career path in a fast-evolving, innovation-driven environment, supported by mentoring and continuous development opportunities.
Entrepreneurial Spirit:
- Play a key role in the growth of CBR Sustainability Partners, contributing to our entrepreneurial journey.
- Benefit from a supportive platform to develop and implement your own technological ideas and solutions.
- Access to diverse network of founders, top management, and entrepreneurs.
Competitive Package:
- Competitive salary package and success bonus.
- Full-time or part-time (80%/50%).
- Highly attractive CBR office locations in Hamburg and Mannheim.
- Flexible working situation including home office arrangement.
- Advanced training as auditor around environmental & healthcare management and certification.
If you are ready to bring your talents and enthusiasm to a team that values innovation and sustainability, apply to CBR now.
Please send your resume, cover letter and references in a single PDF document. Include your name and the position you are applying for as the title of the document.
Application for Senior Project Manager – ClimateTech
Senior Project Manager – MedTech & LifeSciences
Hamburg / Mannheim, Germany
- Advertised:
- 11th October 2024
- Closing date:
- 18th November 2024
- Location:
- Hamburg / Mannheim, Germany
- Job specialism:
- Life Sciences & MedTech
- Type of employment:
- Full Time / Permanent
Sind Dir Gesundheit und die Umwelt, in der Du lebst, wichtig? CBR Sustainability Partners sucht talentierte und erfahrene Projektmanager:innen, die sich in den zwei zentralen Pfeiler unseres Lebens engagieren wollen und unser dynamisches Team verstärken. Wir verstehen neueste Technologien, Techniken und Regelwerke, um unsere Kunden ganzheitlich bei wegweisenden Projekten im Gesundheitswesen zu unterstützen, und gestalten die nachhaltige und klimafreundliche Ausrichtung von Unternehmen aktiv mit. Bist du begeistert davon, Innovation, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Nachhaltigkeit in dem uns alle betreffenden Umfeld der Gesundheitswirtschaft voranzutreiben?
Deine Aufgaben:
- Leite und manage innovative Beratungsprojekte im Gesundheitswesen, die für Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Medizintechnik und LifeSciences eine Brücke hin zu einer nachhaltigeren und wirtschaftlicheren Ausrichtung bauen.
- Übernimm die Verantwortung für verschiedene Projektphasen – von der Planung bis zur Umsetzung – entsprechend den Bedürfnissen des Kunden, um erfolgreiche Ergebnisse für Projekte mit hohem Einfluss zu gewährleisten.
- Steuere Zeitpläne, Budgets und Ressourcen effektiv, um Projektziele zu erreichen und dabei hohe Qualitäts- und Leistungsstandards einzuhalten.
- Koordiniere interdisziplinäre Teams und fungiere als Hauptansprechpartner für unsere Kunden, um durch kontinuierliche Kommunikation die Ziele und Erwartungen klar abzustimmen.
- Nutze das neueste Wissen über Technologien, Regulierungen und Märkte für die Projektdurchführung und greife dabei auf die Expertise erfahrener CBR-Kollegen zurück. Bring Dich zudem selbst ein, um das Wissensfundament von CBR kontinuierlich zu erweitern.
- Biete strategische Beratung und Einblicke für Kunden und interne Stakeholder, um ihnen dabei zu helfen, sich in der sich kontinuierlich verändernden Landschaft der Nachhaltigkeit und Gesundheitsversorgung zurechtzufinden.
- Erstelle Projektvorschläge, identifiziere Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und unterstütze aktiv bei der Kundengewinnung, um CBRs Kunden- und Projektportfolio zu erweitern.
Dein Profil:
- Fundierte Berufserfahrung als Projekt- / Produkt- / Businessmanager in einem technologie- und kundenorientierten Unternehmensumfeld oder in der Beratung (vorzugsweise mindestens 5 Jahre) in Branchen der Gesundheitswirtschaft. Projektmanagement-Qualifikationen wie PMI oder Agile Methoden sind von Vorteil.
- Masterabschluss oder Promotion in Ingenieurwesen, Medizin, Betriebswirtschaft, Nachhaltigkeit, Projektmanagement oder einem vergleichbaren Bereich.
- Expertise in den Bereichen Strategie- & Nachhaltigkeitsberatung, nachhaltige Effizienzsteigerung (Produktions- / Vertriebs- / Prozessoptimierung), Kreislaufwirtschaft, grüne Produktionsmittel / Rohstoffe / Chemikalien, etc. in der Gesundheitswirtschaft.
- Erfahrung in der praktischen Umsetzung von Nachhaltigkeitsprojekten, der Erarbeitung von Machbarkeits- & Strategie-Konzepten und der Durchführung von Wirtschaftlichkeits- & Nachhaltigkeits-Analysen ist ein Plus.
- Starke analytische und konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten sowie ausgezeichnete Kommunikationsfähigkeiten.
- Hohe Bereitschaft, sich kontinuierlich Wissen über Technologien, Märkte und zentrale Regulierungen im Gesundheitswesen insbesondere im Bereich Medizintechnik & LifeSciences anzueignen.
- Ausgeprägte Fähigkeit, unabhängig zu arbeiten und Entscheidungen zu treffen.
- Fließende Deutsch- und Englischkenntnisse in Wort und Schrift.
Warum CBR Sustainability Partners?
Persönliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten:
- Arbeite an herausfordernden Beratungsprojekten mit führenden globalen Organisationen und internationalem Exposure – von Großkonzernen über mittelständische Unternehmen bis hin zu innovativen Technologie- und Produktentwicklern.
- Genieße ein hohes Maß an Verantwortung und Autonomie in der Projektleitung und Kundenakquise.
- Erlebe eine einzigartige Mischung aus Start-up-Kultur und Unternehmensberatung, die dir mittelfristig Wachstum in (Interim-) Manager-Rollen ermöglicht.
- Gestalte deinen Karriereweg in einem schnelllebigen, innovationsgetriebenen Umfeld mit Unterstützung durch Mentoring und kontinuierliche Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.
Unternehmerisches Engagement:
- Übernimm eine Schlüsselrolle beim Wachstum von CBR Sustainability Partners und trage zu unserer unternehmerischen Reise bei.
- Profitiere von einer unterstützenden Plattform, um deine eigenen technologischen Ideen und Lösungen zu entwickeln und umzusetzen.
- Erhalte Zugang zu einem vielfältigen Netzwerk von Gründern, Top-Management und Unternehmern.
Attraktives Paket:
- Wettbewerbsfähiges Gehaltspaket und Erfolgsbonus.
- Vollzeit oder Teilzeit (80%/50%).
- Flexibles Arbeiten inklusive Homeoffice-Möglichkeit.
- Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten als Auditor im Bereich Umwelt- und Gesundheitsmanagement und Zertifizierung.
Bitte schicke deinen Lebenslauf, dein Anschreiben und deine Zeugnisse in einem einzigen PDF-Dokument. Als Titel des Dokuments bitte deinen Namen und die Stelle angeben, für die du dich bewirbst.
Application for Senior Project Manager – MedTech & LifeSciences
Berater:in (m/w/x) mit Schwerpunkt auf Nachhaltigkeits-regulierung und ESG-Software.
Hamburg / Mannheim, Deutschland
- Advertised:
- 7th October 2024
- Closing date:
- 18th November 2024
- Location:
- Hamburg / Mannheim, Deutschland
- Job specialism:
- Berater:in (m/w/x) mit Schwerpunkt auf Nachhaltigkeits-regulierung und ESG-Software.
- Type of employment:
- Berater (m/w/d)
Werde Teil unseres Teams bei CBR Sustainability Partners – Wir gestalten die Zukunft durch Nachhaltigkeit und Innovation!
Wir bei CBR sind ein dynamisches Team engagierter Experten, die einen wirklichen Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeit in den Bereichen ClimateTech, LifeSciences und MedTech leisten wollen.
Indem wir Kreislaufwirtschaft und technologische Innovation fördern, sowie digitale Prozesse einführen befähigen wir Unternehmen auf Ihrem Weg zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit und suchen dazu Unterstützung als:
Deine Rolle und Verantwortlichkeiten:
- Beratung von Kunden bei der Einhaltung von Nachhaltigkeitsregulatorik und ESG-Standards zur Gewährleistung der Compliance.
- Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter ESG-Strategien, die mit unternehmerischen Zielen und den gesetzlichen Anforderungen in Branchen wie Medizintechnik und LifeSciences in Einklang stehen.
- Implementierung von ESG-Software zur Verfolgung und Berichterstattung der Nachhaltigkeitsleistung.
- Entwicklung und Verbesserung von ESG-Datenerfassungs-, Berichterstattungs- und Risikomanagementprozessen.
- Unterstützung unserer Kunden bei der Erstellung präziser Nachhaltigkeitsberichte und -angaben unter Verwendung von ESG-Software, um die Anforderungen von Stakeholdern und Behörden zu erfüllen.
- Durchführung von Nachhaltigkeitsrisikobewertungen, z. B. in Bezug auf LkSG, CSDDD und EUDR, und Empfehlung von Strategien zur Minderung von Umwelt-, Sozial- und Governance-Risiken.
- Schulungen zu ESG-Software und Best Practices im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit, um internes Fachwissen aufzubauen.
- Stets über ESG-Trends, Vorschriften und Technologien auf dem Laufenden bleiben, um unseren Kunden innovative, konforme Lösungen zu bieten.
Wen wir suchen:
- Bachelor- oder Masterabschluss in Umweltwissenschaften, Corporate Social Responsibility, Qualitätsmanagement, Recht, Ingenieurwesen, IT oder (Gesundheits-)Wirtschaft mit Schwerpunkt Nachhaltigkeit.
- Ausgeprägte Kenntnisse von Nachhaltigkeitsvorschriften (z. B. CSRD, EUDR, CSDDD, LkSG usw.), Umweltmanagementsystemen und deren Einhaltung (z. B. EMAS, ISO 14001, 50001, 14040, 14044 usw.).
- Praktische Erfahrung mit der Integration von ESG-Software zur Datensammlung, Berichterstattung und Analyse.
- Fähigkeit zur Entwicklung und Umsetzung effektiver ESG-Strategien.
- Fließend in Wort und Schrift sowohl auf Deutsch als auch Englisch eine weitere Sprache ist ein plus.
- Unternehmerisches Interesse durch Neugierde und eine proaktive Herangehensweise an Problemlösungen.
- Ausgezeichnete organisatorische Fähigkeiten und selbständige Arbeitsweise.
- Leidenschaft für die neuesten ESG-Trends, Technologien und Vorschriften.
Warum solltest du dich bei CBR Sustainability Partners bewerben?
- Direkte Betreuung durch erfahrene Berater, die wertvolle Einblicke gewähren, um deine Karriere zu beschleunigen.
- Angenehmes und freundliches Arbeitsumfeld, in dem individuelle verantwortung und Engagement in hohem Maße anerkannt und belohnt werden.
- Moderne, flexible Arbeitsmöglichkeiten mit gut gelegenen Büros in Hamburg und Mannheim sowie die Möglichkeit für Homeoffice.
- Wir gestalten Impact durch wegweisende Projekte, die Nachhaltigkeit, Kreislaufwirtschaft und zukunftsweisende Innovationen vorantreiben.
- Attraktives Gehalt und Erfolgsprämie.
Du willst deine Talente und deinen Enthusiasmus in ein Team einbringen, das Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit schätzt?
Bewirb dich jetzt bei CBR Sustainability Partners!
Bitte sende deinen Lebenslauf, dein Anschreiben und deine Zeugnisse in einem einzigen PDF-Dokument. Als Titel des Dokuments gib bitte deinen Namen und die Stelle an, für die du dich bewirbst.
Application for Berater:in (m/w/x) mit Schwerpunkt auf Nachhaltigkeits-regulierung und ESG-Software.
Student Assistant – Marketing and Content Creation (m/w/d)
Hamburg, Germany
- Advertised:
- 7th October 2024
- Closing date:
- 18th November 2024
- Location:
- Hamburg, Germany
- Job specialism:
- Marketing and Content Creation
- Type of employment:
- Student Assistant
Join Our Forward-Thinking Team at CBR – Shaping the Future of Sustainability and Innovation
At CBR, we are a dynamic team of passionate professionals, dedicated to making a significant impact in the fields of ClimateTech, Sustainability, Life Sciences, and MedTech. Our growth and dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation have opened up an exciting opportunity for a working student position within our vibrant team. If you’re eager to dive into the world of management and technology consulting, and contribute to projects that matter, we invite you to bring your energy and creativity to our office in the heart of Hamburg
Your Role and Responsibilities:
- Support in the development and enhancement of presentation materials, utilizing your skills in design and MS Office applications.
- Assist in the creation of compelling content for our digital platforms, including social media and our website, to highlight our work in sustainable innovation.
- Engage in research and analysis to prepare materials that will guide our consulting projects in ClimateTech, Sustainability, Life Sciences, and MedTech.
- Contribute to the visual and digital design efforts, helping to communicate complex ideas in an accessible and visually appealing manner.
- Collaborate closely with our team to drive our consulting projects forward, offering fresh perspectives and innovative ideas.
- Prepare and elaborate PowerPoint presentations that effectively communicate our project goals and achievements.
- Manage and update content on our web platforms, ensuring consistency and engagement.
- Participate in brainstorming sessions to generate creative marketing ideas and strategies.
Whom We Are Looking For:
- Currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program relevant to our fields of interest, with a commitment of at least 20 hours per week.
- Preference for candidates who can work onsite in our Hamburg office. (Possibility of remote work)
- Native or proficient (C2) in German and English (C1), with excellent communication skills to articulate ideas clearly and collaborate effectively with our international team.
- Skilled in graphic design and familiar with MS Office; experience web content management system (e.g., WordPress) is a plus.
- An entrepreneurial spirit, driven by curiosity and a proactive approach to problem-solving and project contribution.
- Excellent organizational skills, with the ability to manage time effectively and work independently.
Why Choose CBR?
- Direct mentoring from experienced professionals in management consulting, offering invaluable insights into your career development.
- A collaborative and friendly work environment, where creativity and personal responsibility are highly valued.
- Modern and flexible working arrangements, with a beautifully located office in Hamburg and the option for remote work.
- Access to personal development opportunities, with coaching on study and career planning.
- Participation in cutting-edge projects, contributing to the advancement of sustainable practices and innovations.
- An attractive package including free beverages, fruits, company laptop, and cell phone, fostering a comfortable and productive workspace.
If you’re ready to bring your talents and enthusiasm to a team that values innovation and sustainability, apply now to join CBR.
Please send your CV, cover letter and certifications in a single PDF document. As the title of the document please indicate your name and the position you are applying for.
Application for Student Assistant – Marketing and Content Creation (m/w/d)
Project Manager – Life Sciences & MedTech
Hamburg / Mannheim, Germany
- Advertised:
- 7th October 2024
- Closing date:
- 18th November 2024
- Location:
- Hamburg / Mannheim, Germany
- Job specialism:
- Life Sciences & MedTech
- Type of employment:
- Full Time / Permanent
We are looking for Project Managers (m/w/d)
- with relevant professional experience in an (international) corporate environment, NGO or Consultancy
- with profound expertise in the sustainability environment (e.g. ESG, Circular Economy, Green Hospital, Carbon Zero, etc.)
- with strong analytical and conceptual skills as well as professional project management skills
- with excellent communication skills and experience in leading project teams
- who are native speaker/ fluent in German and English
Personal Development Potential
- Challenging consulting mandates with leading global companies (including DAX 30) and research centers
- High development potential due to flat hierarchies, own responsibilities for projects and customer acquisition
- Opportunity to engage in a start-up environment combined with corporate consulting project work
- Medium-term development to interim manager with longer-term commitments to our clients
Entrepreneurial Engagement
- Joint entrepreneurial participation in the development of CBR Consult & Invest GmbH
- Supportive environment for own technology ideas and innovative technical solutions
- Access to diverse network of founders, top management, and entrepreneurs
Attractive Package
- Competitive salary package and success bonus
- Full-time or part-time (80%/50%) to reflect your personal situation
- Flexible working situation including home office arrangement
- Advanced training as auditor around environmental & healthcare management and certification
Please send your CV, cover letter and certifications in a single PDF document. As the title of the document please indicate your name and the position you are applying for.
Application for Project Manager – Life Sciences & MedTech
Project Manager – ClimateTech
Hamburg / Mannheim, Germany
- Advertised:
- 7th October 2024
- Closing date:
- 18th November 2024
- Location:
- Hamburg / Mannheim, Germany
- Job specialism:
- ClimateTech & Sustainability
- Type of employment:
- Full Time / Permanent
We are looking for Project Managers (m/w/d)
- with relevant professional experience in a technology-oriented corporate environment or consultancy
- with in-depth experience in technology assessments, feasibility studies and techno-economic analyses
- with technical expertise in the areas of P-t-X, renewable fuels, (green) hydrogen, green chemicals, biogas, etc.
- with solid experience in leading project teams in the sustainability and technology environment
- with strong analytical and conceptual skills as well as excellent communication skills
- who are native speaker/ fluent in German and English
Personal Development Potential
- Challenging consulting mandates with leading global companies (including DAX 30) and research centers
- High development potential due to flat hierarchies, own responsibilities for projects and customer acquisition
- Opportunity to engage in a start-up environment combined with corporate consulting project work
- Medium-term development to interim manager with longer-term commitments to our clients
Entrepreneurial Engagement
- Joint entrepreneurial participation in the development of CBR Consult & Invest GmbH
- Supportive environment for own technology ideas and innovative technical solutions
- Access to diverse network of founders, top management, and entrepreneurs
Attractive Package
- Competitive salary package and success bonus
- Full-time or part-time (80%/50%)
- Flexible working situation including home office arrangement
- Advanced training as auditor around environmental & healthcare management and certification
Please send your CV, cover letter and certifications in a single PDF document. As the title of the document please indicate your name and the position you are applying for.
Application for Project Manager – ClimateTech
Technology Expert:in
Hamburg / Mannheim, Germany
- Advertised:
- 7th October 2024
- Closing date:
- 18th November 2024
- Location:
- Hamburg / Mannheim, Germany
- Job specialism:
- ClimateTech
- Type of employment:
- Full Time / Permanent
We are looking for Technology Experts (m/w/d)
- with relevant professional experience in a technology-oriented corporate environment, or consultancy
- with in-depth experience in technology assessments, feasibility studies and techno-economic analyses
- with technical expertise in the areas of P-t-X, renewable fuels, (green) hydrogen, green chemicals, biogas, etc.
- with a meaningful academic track record in engineering and/or natural sciences
- with strong analytical and conceptual skills as well as good communication skills
- who are native speaker/ fluent in German and English
Personal Development Potential
- Challenging consulting mandates with leading global companies (including DAX 30) and technology developers
- Insights into world-leading technology projects in the field of renewable fuels and chemicals
- High development potential due to flat hierarchies
- Enhancement of technical know-how, responsibility for project management or development opportunities as an interim manager with longer-term commitment to clients, depending on skills and personal interests
Entrepreneurial Engagement
- Supportive environment for own technology ideas and innovative technical solutions
- Access to diverse network of founders, top management, and entrepreneurs
- Joint entrepreneurial participation in the development of CBR Consult & Invest GmbH
Attractive Package
- Competitive salary package and success bonus
- Full-time or part-time (80%) to reflect your personal situation
- Flexible working situation including home office arrangement
- Individual career plan with technical and project management trainings
Please send your CV, cover letter and certifications in a single PDF document. As the title of the document please indicate your name and the position you are applying for.
Application for Technology Expert:in

Frequently Asked Questions
How does an ideal candidate's profile at CBR look like?
Very good academic credentials are necessary but not the only requirement. It is the curiosity to ask the right questions, the courage and creativity to blaze new paths, the ability to collaborate with colleagues and clients, and the leadership skills to transform your ideas into action.
We care a lot about us as a team where people are valued for their personality, authenticity and enthusiasm supported by an extraordinary cooperation and solidarity of everyone at CBR.
What kind of consultant roles exist at CBR?
We have basically two types of roles at CBR, one more oriented towards the project delivery organization - the management consultants, the other is represented by the technology experts’ group.